A Beginner's Guide to Growing Vegetables

A Beginner's Guide to Growing Vegetables

Posted by Paraic Horkan

Growing your own food isn’t hard. The best part about growing your own vegetables is how simple it is and the.
The taste of garden-fresh vegetables can never be matched by the one bought at the supermarket. You’ll be surprised by how beneficial growing your own vegetable can be.

Tips for Beginners

  • Grow veg that is known for being easy to grow
  • Grow veg you know your family will eat
  • Grow veg requires little work for a successful crop
  • Fast growing
  • Hardy to pests and diseases

Veg can be grown in a patch in your garden or if you prefer and in pots and containers too.

1. Location

Choose a sheltered sunny spot. Growing vegetables love sunny spots. On average, they need 6-8 hours of direct sunlight every day.
Leafy salads and certain herbs prefer partial shade. These are best grown in pots and containers where they can be moved.

2. Avoid Strong Windy Spots

While planting, ensure that the location is not too windy. Imagine a young plant trying to establish a strong root but keeps being rocked by the wind.
It will be harder for the plant to get a good footing and grow strong and tall. We would suggest that a sheltered location would be the best spot to grow your plants without the fear of the winds. Or use mesh windbreakers where needed.

3. Where to plant

Usually, beginners prefer growing pots when planting for the first time. Whether you're growing vegetables, herbs, plants, or fruit, the Vegepod or Vegebag is the perfect solution.
These raised units are self contained and set you up for a successful crop from the start.

Add fertilizer to your pots in preparation and have good drainage holes.

4. Planting in the ground

If you are growing in the ground, prepare the soil well.
Remove rocks, stones and weeds, and be sure to mix compost or manure deep and well into the area.

5. Water and Drainage

If planting in pots, before you start, make sure your pot has drainage holes at the bottom. Water regularly. Especially onions, these need lots of water.
For vegetables that grow tall, like tomatoes, it might be necessary to add a stake for support to ensure they grow tall and strong.

6. Plan

Plan what you want to plant and where. Some plants can be started off from seed inside on warm bright windowsill and then planted out later.
Keep the seed packets close by, these will provide you with lots of helpful information. Such as how much room and space to give each plant when planting out into your patch.

Benefit Of Growing Your Own Vegetables

1. Boosting Your Health

Not only is eating 5 a day proven to boost health, but getting out into the fresh air, and doing something that is both fun and rewarding can work wonders for our mental health.

2. More Saving

Believe us when we say that you can grow your own vegetables for a fraction of the cost at the grocery store.
This will reduce your monthly expenses on grocery bills and offer the advantage of enjoying garden-fresh vegetables when needed.

3. Fun Outdoor Activity

Gardening activities can be enjoyed with families of all ages. It helps you stay close to nature and is known to maintain good mental well-being. It also burns a good bit of calories, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress.
Now with raised garden beds from Vegepod, it makes growing veg easier for those who have difficulty bending and stooping or even wheelchair users. Growing your own is open to everyone of all ages and abilities.

4. Organic Growing

Growing your Own offers you a wide range of organic and chemical-free produce. Harvesting food in your backyard lets you control what you add to it.
Meaning you can choose to only use organic composts, fertilizers, feeds, and pest controls. You know where your food is coming from, it's not wrapped in plastic so you can reduce your carbon footprint!

5. Eat Fresh

There is nothing more enjoyable than watching children picking their own homegrown strawberries, or picking fresh lettuce for tonight's salad.
You can't get much fresher than that! The child that grows the fruit eats the fruit!

I am sure you’re motivated to grow your own vegetables now.
Need Help With Growing Your Own Vegetable? Our experts are always on hand to help at your local store.
Just contact your local store where one of our helpful and knowledgeable staff will be happy to help and answer any questions you may have.
