Paraic’s Tips For Your Garden In November
Posted by Paraic Horkan
Are you looking for inspiration on what to do in your garden in November? Then you have come to the right place. Paraic is sharing his top tips for looking after your garden during the turn of weather and telling you how best to prepare for the months to come.
Weather permitting, November can be the perfect month to spend time in your garden. The cooler weather allows you to replant in your garden. It is a great time to plant spring colours from bulbs to spring flowering bedding plants.
Lawn Care
A perfect lawn can be achieved in 2 simple steps

Step 1: Start by removing lawn moss. We recommend using Zero Lawn Moss.
Zero Lawn Moss will start to work overnight attacking moss right down to the root. Zero Lawn Moss is not a pesticide, grass cuttings can still be placed in the compost. Once the treated area is dried it is safe for children and pets to use the area.
Step 2: 24 hours later, give the lawn a good feed. Zero Lawn Feed will not only feed your lawn for the next 3 months, but it will also suppress moss creeping back. Ensuring a green lawn, with little maintenance work required.
Sow and Grow

- Get your children or grandchildren together and plant a dwarf family apple tree in a large pot. This is a simple garden project that will delight the entire family this November.Next, underplant the tree with delicious strawberries.
The beauty of this project is that you can all look forward to eating two different varieties of apples next summer. You will also enjoy succulent red strawberries from early June onward. What a treat!
- Would you like to use fresh, homegrown herbs in your kitchen this Christmas? Yes? Well, this is possible if you plant them in your garden in November. Seasonal favourites including Thyme, Sage, Italian Parsley and Rosemary can all be planted now.
Plant them into a window box or patio pot to produce some fresh pickings of kitchen herbs ideal for the festive season. All of the aforementioned herbs are winter hardy and thus will grow during the winter and spring seasons. Remember, herbs need to be trimmed and picked regularly to encourage new growth.
- Plant easy-to-grow garlic in your vegetable garden or for some great-tasting garlic next Summer. You can choose from a number of seasonal bulbs and seeds including garlic and onions, strongly flavoured varieties suitable for stews and soups.
House/Office Plants

Plants in our Homes can help you Live Life Better.
The breathable air in our homes and office spaces can be 10 times more polluted than the air we breathe outdoors.
As humans we breathe out co2 and breathe in oxygen. On a purely physical level, plants remove carbon dioxide from the air and replace it with oxygen, improving our indoor air quality.
Benefits of house/office plants:
- Purify the air of toxins
- Provide oxygen
- Boosts productivity
- Improves health
- Creates a tranquil surrounding
Garden Care

- It is important at this time of year to remove any algae or moss from patios, pathways, walls or tiles. Moss can be slippy and hazardous. We recommend removing it by applying a treatment of PAC to all hard surface areas and driveways. PAC kills all unwanted green moss quickly and effectively.
- Now is a great time to prepare for early spring planting. Clean out your polytunnel and greenhouse of old plants and remove and store all fruit indoors in a cool, dry location. Remove old and dying foliage and stems and place them in the compost heap.
Wash the glass or polythene with an easy clean treatment. This will clean old moss, algae, pests and diseases from your greenhouse or tunnel.
- Look after your garden wildlife this winter. Remember, winter is coming and garden songbirds need to build up fat reserves to help them survive the colder winter months. November is the ideal time to start feeding wild birds in your garden with high-protein peanuts and high-protein sunflower seeds.
Garden Colour
- Plant Spring Flowering Bulbs now. It is important to get them planted this month. Simply put up the large bulb with Horkan's compost and watch that beautiful colours Spring up next February.
- Plant a tree for a special occasion. What better way to mark a family celebration, graduation or special occasion than to plant a garden tree that will be remembered for years? The November plant of the month is the White Birch, an ideal, medium-sized garden tree to mark any special occasion.
At Horkans we can help you select the right garden tree for that special occasion. We even have trees that will flower each year on a specific date to help you mark that memory forever.
- Add some instant winter cheer to your garden. Winter flowering shrubs including Autumn Flowering Cherries, Mahonia Charity, Viburnum Eve Price, Christmas Roses and Witch Hazel can all be planted this month.
They will add some much-needed colour to your garden during the winter and spring months.
Interested in learning more about gardening? Just follow along with our Learn to Garden blog.
Do you have questions about your garden? If so, just contact your local store and one of our helpful and knowledgeable staff will be happy to help and answer any questions you may have.